Mission Vision

Our goal is to provide high-quality education that will help our students to be ready to scale new heights and explore new vistas in life. We believe in, and strive to equip our students with a strong character, self-discipline, and sound moral values. To achieve this, the School lays equal emphasis on academics as well as sports and extra-curricular activities.

The school's mission is to provide myriad opportunities to each child. The school believes that each child is unique and special and is blessed with immense potential. Our endeavour is to guide each child as he/she charts a route to happiness and excellence. The school makes a concerted effort to ensure that as the students set out on this exciting voyage of discovery, they enjoy every moment of their innocence and appreciate the power of their inner strength.

The school visualizes an educational system based on instilling cardinal values, pursuit of excellence in all things and service to humanity. Thus, as the students step out of the sacrosanct precincts of their alma mater, they are armed with faith in themselves, belief in goodness and righteousness, fortitude to face the buffeting winds of change and a burning desire to serve humanity.

To prepare useful, committed, empowered and enlightened citizens who can contribute meaningfully to the growth of our nation. To enable the children to discover themselves through the use of a meaningful curriculum, activities and routine. Children attendingRohilas International Sr. Sec School (RIS) will have well-rounded personalities and develop as articulate individuals who are physically and mentally fit to face the challenges of the world.